About Us
IberAtlantic is an investment business group based in Spain. We were constituted in 2014, the result of the experience accumulated in the development of different business initiatives that started ten years ago.
Core Values
The focus on the generation of value and the clear international vocation are the hallmarks of the IberAtlantic Group. Likewise, our corporate identity is defined by a series of values, which vertebrate the organization and establish a framework for action.
Our vision
We want to be a reference in entrepreneurship, the accompaniment and development of business projects in the field of internationalization, specializing in emerging markets. An active investment group, committed to progress and constant innovation, that develops activity in different segments and sectors of the global economy and provides corporate services to companies.
Our mission
Overcome any type of border, through investments and/or provision of specialized services to companies, generating value in the most dynamic global markets. We act with quality, responsibility and efficiency, creating and managing opportunities and meeting the internationalization needs of companies.
Creating shared values
Business activity generates value and growth in the territory where it operates, as it contributes to the dynamization of both the productive ecosystem and society.
Beyond the day-to-day operations, the Iberatlantic Group is specifically committed to generating shared value for society, through its articulation with other civil society actors seeking to jointly build solutions to various needs in the fields of knowledge, the generation of ideas and the development of talent.
We support knowledge and the generation of ideas

The Iberatlantic Global Corporation Group actively participates in the Circle of Entrepreneurs of Galicia to help enrich the role of this association as a forum for reflection, discussion and formulation of ideas and proposals aimed at contributing to the development and socio-economic well-being of society. Particularly prominent is the role of Iberatlantic in the dynamization of the sectoral forum for internationalization.
We support talent

21st century companies demand professionals with a solid integral background, the Iberatlantic Group has been part of the Mentor Foundation since its establishment in 2017.
This non-profit organization aims to strengthen the comprehensive development of university students in the legal-business field, through a training program that covers areas such as communication, motivation, teamwork, personal productivity, analysis and problem solving, results orientation, customer orientation, project management and negotiation, among others.